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Ayahuasca Legal

The Legal Status of Ayahuasca: A Complex and Evolving Landscape


Ayahuasca, a traditional psychedelic brew used for religious and spiritual purposes, has gained increasing attention in recent years, but its legal status remains uncertain and varies widely across jurisdictions.


In Brazil, ayahuasca has been recognized for religious use since 1987, and its possession, consumption, and distribution are legal within religious contexts. However, the legal status of ayahuasca outside of religious use is less clear, leading to legal uncertainties and potential risks.

United States

Ayahuasca is generally illegal in the United States at the federal level, with possession, consumption, and distribution prohibited by law. However, some states have decriminalized the use of certain psychedelic substances, including ayahuasca, for religious or therapeutic purposes.

International Travel

Ayahuasca is legal in many countries, including Peru, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. As a result, people often travel to these countries to participate in ayahuasca retreats and ceremonies. However, it is important to note that the legal status of ayahuasca can change rapidly, and it is always advisable to check the specific laws of the country you are visiting before traveling.
